Source code for weebapi.data_objects

    import discord
except ImportError:
    discord = None

import contextlib
import os
from .errors import *

[docs]class Image: """Represents an image from Attributes ------------ snowflake: :class:`str` The image ID. image_type: :class:`ImageType` Type of the image. base_type: :class:`str` Base type of the image. nsfw: :class:`bool` Is image NSFW (not safe for work). file_type: :class:`str` Image file type. mime_type: :class:`str` Image MIME type. hidden: :class:`bool` Is image private. account: :class:`str` ID of the poster. source: Optional[:class:`str`] Source of the image. tags: :class:`list` List of `Tag` objects. url: :class:`str` CDN URL of the image. """ def __init__(self, snowflake: str, image_type: str, base_type: str, nsfw: bool, file_type: str, mime_type: str, tags: list, url: str, hidden: bool, account: str, client, source: str = ""): self.client = client self.snowflake = snowflake self.type = ImageType(image_type, self.client) self.base_type = base_type self.nsfw = nsfw self.file_type = file_type self.mime_type = mime_type self.hidden = hidden self.account = account self.source = source self.tags = [Tag(t, self.client) for t in tags] self.url = url def __str__(self): return self.url @classmethod def parse(cls, response, client): status = response.get("status", 200) if status != 200: raise FileNotFoundError("This resource does not exist or you are not allowed to access.") try: data = cls(response["id"], response["type"], response["baseType"], response["nsfw"], response["fileType"], response["mimeType"], response["tags"], response["url"], response["hidden"], response["account"], client=client, source=response.get("source", "")) except KeyError: raise WeirdResponse else: return data
[docs] async def delete(self): """|coro| Removes current image. Raises -------- Forbidden: If required permissions are absent. """ g = await self.client.request.delete(str(self.client.route.image_remove.format_url(self.snowflake))) if g.get("status", 200) != 200: raise Forbidden("You are not allowed to access this resource.")
[docs] async def add_tags(self, tags: list): """|coro| Adds tags to this image. Parameters ----------- tags: :class:`list` List of strings. Raises -------- Forbidden: If required permissions are absent. """ g = await, data={ "tags": ",".join(tags) }) if g.get("status", 200) != 200: raise Forbidden("You are not allowed to access this resource.")
[docs] async def remove_tags(self, tags: list): """|coro| Removes tags from this image. Parameters ----------- tags: :class:`list` List of strings. Raises -------- Forbidden: If required permissions are absent. """ g = await self.client.request.delete(str(self.client.route.image_remove_tags.format_url(self.snowflake)), params={ "tags": ",".join(tags) }) if int(g.get("status", 200)) != 200: raise Forbidden("You are not allowed to access this resource.")
[docs]class ImageType: """ This object represents an image type. By itself returns the name. .. container:: .. describe:: str() Returns the name of the image type. Attributes ------------- name: :class:`str` Name of the image type. """ def __init__(self, name: str, client): = name self.client = client def __str__(self): return def __get__(self, instance, owner): return @property async def get_preview(self): """|coro| Returns a :class:`Preview` object of the image type. :return: :class:`Preview` """ g = await self.client.request.get(str(self.client.route.types), params={ "nsfw": "true", "preview": "true" }) for p in g["preview"]: if p["type"] == return Preview.parse(p, self.client) raise FileNotFoundError
[docs]class Preview: """ This class represents a preview object. .. container:: Options .. describe:: str() By itself it returns the image URL. Attributes ------------- snowflake: :class:`str` Unique image identifier. url: :class:`str` URL of the preview image. image_type: :class:`ImageType` :class:`ImageType` object. base_type: :class:`str` Image base type. file_type: :class:`str` Image file type. """ def __init__(self, snowflake: str, url: str, file_type: str, base_type: str, image_type: str, client): self.client = client self.snowflake = snowflake self.url = url self.image_type = ImageType(image_type, self.client) self.base_type = base_type self.file_type = file_type def __str__(self) -> str: return self.url @classmethod def parse(cls, response, client): status = response.get("status", 200) if status != 200: raise FileNotFoundError("This resource does not exist or you are not allowed to access.") try: data = cls(response["id"], response["url"], response["fileType"], response["baseType"], response["type"], client) except KeyError: raise WeirdResponse else: return data
[docs]class Tag: """ This class represents a Tag object. .. container:: Options .. describe:: str() Returns name of the tag. .. describe:: __get__ By it self it returns the name of the tag. """ def __init__(self, tag: dict, client): = tag.get("name", "unknown") self.account = tag.get("user", "unknown") self.is_hidden = tag.get("hidden", False) self.client = client def __str__(self) -> str: return def __get__(self, instance, owner) -> str: return @property async def is_nsfw(self) -> bool: """|coro| Checks if the tag is NSFW (not safe for work). :return: :class:`bool` """ g = await self.client.request.get(str(self.client.route.tags), params={"nsfw": "only"}) if g.get("status", 200) != 200: raise Forbidden("You are not allowed to access this resource.") if in g["tags"]: return True else: return False
[docs]class ImageFile: """ Represents a image file object usually retrieved from image generation. Attributes ----------- file_path: :class:`str` Returns file path. discord_file: :class:`discord.File` If is installed it returns a :class:`discord.File` object, else raises an exception. Raises ------- :class:`weebapi.errors.DiscordPyNotInstalled` Raised if is not installed, but :class:`discord.File` object is requested. """ def __init__(self, file_path: str): self.file_path = file_path @property def discord_file(self): if discord: return discord.File(open(self.file_path, 'rb')) else: raise DiscordPyNotInstalled
[docs] def delete(self): """ This function deletes the file. """ with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(self.file_path)