Source code for weebapi.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import logging

from .data_objects import *
from .errors import *
from .img_gen import ImgGen
from .request_lib import krequest
from .router import Router

BASE_URL_V2 = ""
logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class Client: """ .. _aiohttp session: Client object for V2 This is a client object for API. Here are two versions. Basic without bot and a pluggable version that inserts this client object directly into your bot. Represents a client connection that connects to It works in two modes: 1. As a standalone variable. 2. Plugged-in to Bot or AutoShardedBot, see :any:`Client.pluggable` Parameters ------------- api_key: :class:`str` Your api token. wolke_token: bool[Optional] *Not required.* Is the api token type Wolke or Bearer. **Default:** True v2_api: bool[Optional] *Not required.* Use v2 API. **Default:** False **base_url: str[Optional] *Not required.* Specify different DBL API url. **base_url: str[Optional] *Not required.* Specify different base url. **bot: Bot or AutoShardedBot Your bot client from **loop: asyncio loop Your asyncio loop. """ def __init__(self, api_key: str, wolke_token: bool = True, v2_api: bool = False, base_url: str = BASE_URL, bot=None, loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()): if v2_api is True: base_url = BASE_URL_V2 self.api_key = api_key self._loop = loop self.route = Router(base_url) self.request = krequest(global_headers=[ ("Authorization", f"Wolke {self.api_key}" if wolke_token else f"Bearer {self.api_key}") ], loop=self._loop) = bot self.img_gen = ImgGen(self) logger_string = str("Wolke " if wolke_token else "Bearer ") + self.api_key[-4:].rjust(len(self.api_key), "*")"WEEB.SH Logging in as {logger_string}")
[docs] @classmethod def pluggable(cls, bot, api_key: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Pluggable version of Client. Inserts Client directly into your Bot client. Called by using `bot.dbl` Parameters ------------- bot: discord.ext.commands.Bot or discord.ext.commands.AutoShardedBot Your bot client from api_key: :class:`str` Your api token. .. note:: Takes the same parameters as :class:`Client` class. Usage changes to ``bot.weebsh``. (``bot`` is your bot client variable) """ try: return bot.weebsh except AttributeError: bot.weebsh = cls(api_key, bot=bot, *args, **kwargs) return bot.weebsh
[docs] async def get_image(self, image: str or Image) -> Image: """|coro| This function gets image by it's ID. Parameters ------------ image: :class:`str` or :class:`weebapi.data_objects.Image` Image ID from string or :class:`weebapi.data_objects.Image` object. :return: :class:`weebapi.data_objects.Image` """ if isinstance(image, Image): image = image.snowflake elif isinstance(image, str): pass else: raise ValueError g = await self.request.get(self.route.image.format_url(image)) return Image.parse(g, self)
[docs] async def get_preview(self, type_name: str, hidden: bool = False, nsfw: int = 1) -> Preview: """|coro| This function gets a preview of the specified image type. .. container:: NSFW (not safe for work) Options .. describe:: 1 (Default) If the value of the nsfw parameter is ``1``, content with nsfw will be hidden. .. describe:: 2 If the value of the nsfw parameter is ``2``, both nsfw and non-nsfw content will be shown. .. describe:: 3 If the vaule of the nsfw parameter is ``3``, only content marked with nsfw will be shown. Parameters ----------- type_name: :class:`str` Name of the image type for which you want the preview. **hidden: :class:`bool` Search in hidden image types. Defaults to False. **nsfw: :class:`int` Display options for NSFW content. Look for the valid values in the box above. :return: :class:`weebapi.data_objects.Preview` """ params = {"preview": "true"} if 1 <= nsfw <= 3: if nsfw == 1: nsfw = "false" elif nsfw == 2: nsfw = "true" else: nsfw = "only" params.update({"nsfw": nsfw}) if hidden: params.update({"hidden": "true"}) g = await self.request.get(str(self.route.types), params=params) status = int(g.get("status", 200)) if status != 200 and status != 403: raise NotFound("This resource does not exist or you are not allowed to access.") elif status == 403: raise Forbidden for p in g["preview"]: if p["type"] == type_name: return Preview.parse(p, self) raise NotFound("Preview does not exist.")
[docs] async def get_types(self, hidden: bool = False, nsfw: int = 1) -> list: """|coro| This function gets the list of all available image types. .. container:: NSFW (not safe for work) Options .. describe:: 1 (Default) If the value of the nsfw parameter is ``1``, content with nsfw will be hidden. .. describe:: 2 If the value of the nsfw parameter is ``2``, both nsfw and non-nsfw content will be shown. .. describe:: 3 If the vaule of the nsfw parameter is ``3``, only content marked with nsfw will be shown. Parameters ----------- **hidden: :class:`bool` Get hidden image types. Defaults to False. **nsfw: :class:`int` Display options for NSFW content. Look for the valid values in the box above. :return: Returns the list of :class:`weebapi.data_objects.ImageType` objects. """ params = {} if 1 <= nsfw <= 3: if nsfw == 1: nsfw = "false" elif nsfw == 2: nsfw = "true" else: nsfw = "only" params.update({"nsfw": nsfw}) if hidden: params.update({"hidden": "true"}) g = await self.request.get(str(self.route.types), params=params) status = int(g.get("status", 200)) if status != 200 and status != 403: raise NotFound("This resource does not exist or you are not allowed to access.") elif status == 403: raise Forbidden return [ImageType(t, self) for t in g['types']]
[docs] async def get_tags(self, hidden: bool = False, nsfw: int = 1) -> list: """|coro| This function gets the list of all available image tags. .. container:: NSFW (not safe for work) Options .. describe:: 1 (Default) If the value of the nsfw parameter is ``1``, content with nsfw will be hidden. .. describe:: 2 If the value of the nsfw parameter is ``2``, both nsfw and non-nsfw content will be shown. .. describe:: 3 If the vaule of the nsfw parameter is ``3``, only content marked with nsfw will be shown. Parameters ----------- **hidden: :class:`bool` Get hidden image tags. Defaults to False. **nsfw: :class:`int` Display options for NSFW content. Look for the valid values in the box above. :return: Returns the list of :class:`weebapi.data_objects.Tag` objects. """ params = {} if 1 <= nsfw <= 3: if nsfw == 1: nsfw = "false" elif nsfw == 2: nsfw = "true" else: nsfw = "only" params.update({"nsfw": nsfw}) if hidden: params.update({"hidden": "true"}) g = await self.request.get(str(self.route.tags), params=params) status = int(g.get("status", 200)) if status != 200 and status != 403: raise NotFound("This resource does not exist or you are not allowed to access.") elif status == 403: raise Forbidden return [Tag(t, self) for t in g['tags']]
[docs] async def get_random(self, tags: str or list = None, image_type: str = None, nsfw: int = 1, hidden: bool = False, file_type: str = None) -> Image: """|coro| This function gets a random image of the specified tags or the image type. .. note:: Make sure you either use comma separated or list of tags and/or one image type. You cannot leave both ``tags`` nor ``image_type`` variable blank, one of them must be used. .. container:: NSFW (not safe for work) Options .. describe:: 1 (Default) If the value of the nsfw parameter is ``1``, content with nsfw will be hidden. .. describe:: 2 If the value of the nsfw parameter is ``2``, both nsfw and non-nsfw content will be shown. .. describe:: 3 If the vaule of the nsfw parameter is ``3``, only content marked with nsfw will be shown. Parameters ----------- **tags: :class:`str` or :class:`list` One tag or comma separated tags or list of image tags. **image_type: :class:`str` Specify image type. **hidden: :class:`bool` Get hidden image tags. Defaults to False. **nsfw: :class:`int` Display options for NSFW content. Look for the valid values in the box above. **file_type: :class:`str` One of ``jpg, jpeg, png, gif`` file types. :return: Returns the :class:`weebapi.data_objects.Image` object. """ params = {} if tags: if isinstance(tags, str): params.update({"tags": tags}) elif isinstance(tags, list): params.update({"tags": ",".join(tags)}) if image_type: params.update({"type": image_type}) if not params: raise MissingRequiredArguments("Add tags and/or type.") if 1 <= nsfw <= 3: if nsfw == 1: nsfw = "false" elif nsfw == 2: nsfw = "true" else: nsfw = "only" params.update({"nsfw": nsfw}) else: raise ValueError("Must be >=1 and <=3!") if hidden: params.update({"hidden": "true"}) if file_type: if file_type in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif"]: params.update({"filetype": file_type}) else: raise ValueError("Invalid filetype. (Available: jpg, jpeg, png, gif)") g = await self.request.get(str(self.route.random), params=params) return Image.parse(g, self)